The building is situated on the West side of Marylebone Street close to the junction of New Cavendish Street. This is in the heart of Marylebone Village and offers a variety of shops and restaurants in the immediate area including Le Relais de Venise, Villandry, The Lucky Pig and The Charlotte Street Hotel.
The available accommodation comprises a self-contained ground floor office suite with street frontage. The office on Marylebone Street boasts fitted meeting rooms to the rear, skylights, a self-contained entrance, high ceilings and wooden flooring.
The available suite presents an excellent opportunity for an occupier searching for a good value fitted out office in Marylebone.
Ground floor | 531 sq. ft. | 49.33 sq. m. |
We have been advised that the current service charge is £2,500 per annum.
We have been advised that the business rates payable for the year 2018/ 2019 are £16,500 per annum.
Interested parties are expected to satisfy themselves in respect of business rates obligation via the VOA or London Borough of Westminster.
Each party to be responsible for their own legal costs incurred in the transaction.
Available on flexible lease terms
£20,000 per annum exclusive
Total Occupancy Costs:
£3,250 per calendar month
Property Misdescriptions act 1991 / Misdescriptions Act 1967. Anton Page LLP for themselves and for the vendors of this property whose agents they are, give notice that: These particulars do not form any part of any offer or contract: the statements contained therein are issued without responsibility on part of the firm or their clients and therefore are not to be relied upon as statements or representations of fact, any intending purchaser must satisfy himself as to the correctness of each statement made herein: and the vendor does not make or give, and neither the firm nor any of their employees have the authority to make or give, any representation or warranty whatever in relation to this property. All prices exclude VAT.